From Freebie Fumbles to Paid Wisdom: Why My Business Knowledge Became My Golden Ticket

3 min readMar 28, 2024


Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Alright, darlings, gather ‘round! Let’s talk about the messy bun of running a business, specifically the dreaded paperwork. Now, I ain’t gonna sugarcoat it. For years, this queen right here wrestled with invoices, permits, and tax forms behind closed doors. Why? Because that knowledge, honey, I paid a hefty price for!

Let me tell you, offering freebies can backfire faster than a perm in a downpour.

Remember when I slashed prices for my hair clients? Big mistake! The ones who never valued my time, well, let’s just say they became regulars in the “kicked outta the chair” club.

Their rudeness was a nightmare, and frankly, their hair suffered for it.

See, when someone doesn’t value what they pay for, they don’t care how much effort goes in. Same goes for knowledge, sugar!

But here’s the thing, I love learning! I could soak up facts like a sponge in a sink full of gossip. Sometimes, I’d hold onto things tight, a business packrat clutching every scrap of info until the exact moment it was needed.

Other times, I’d be all “free wisdom for everyone!” and dispense advice like candy at a parade. Then, I’d inevitably ask, “Did you get that?” only to be met with a blank stare.

Business gurus say that’s the smart move, right? Keep that info locked tight and make others pay a premium.

Well, that’s where this sassy mama had a reality check. My brain may be a knowledge vault, but it ain’t a bank.

Turns out, the best clients, the ones who appreciate my skills, are the ones who pay what I’m worth. Same goes for the information I’ve accumulated over the past twelve years in the business trenches.

So, darlings, here’s the good news: My hard-earned wisdom is now available on Gumroad! No more freebies, just firecracker courses on getting lenders knocking on your door, writing grants that sing like Mariah Carey, and building a seven-figure empire (because who settles for six figures, honey?).

Think of it as an investment in your future — a future filled with fabulous finances and a crown made of tax receipts (okay, maybe not that last part, but you get the idea!).

So, if you’re ready to ditch the financial frizz and learn the secrets I unlocked, head on over to Gumroad and snag my courses. And hey, if you like this article’s sass, hit that subscribe button for more business wisdom served with a side of sparkle! Remember, knowledge is power, and honey, this queen knows how to wield it!

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Written by Tamara

Entrepreneurship, Hairstyle, mother of things 1, 2, & 3, M.U.A, Nail tech, Author

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